Stratis Tsirtsis

Final-year PhD candidate @ Max Planck Institute for Software Systems


Paul-Ehrlich-Straße 26

Kaiserslautern, Germany

👋🏼 Hey there! I am Stratis, and I am currently pursuing a PhD in computer science, fortunate to be advised by Manuel Gomez-Rodriguez. I have spent fall 2023 as a research intern at Meta AI (FAIR) and spring 2023 as a visitor at Stanford University working with Tobias Gerstenberg. Before starting my PhD, I studied electrical & computer engineering at the National Technical University of Athens, where I completed my diploma thesis supervised by Dimitris Fotakis.

At a high level, I am interested in building AI systems to understand, inform and complement human decisions and judgments in uncertain and high-stakes environments. During my PhD, I have focused primarily on developing machine learning methods for (i) decision making in the presence of strategic human behavior and (ii) counterfactual analysis of sequential decision-making tasks. In a nutshell, my research interests lie in the intersection of machine learning and:

  • causal inference
  • game theory
  • combinatorial & convex optimization
  • algorithmic fairness
  • computational cognitive science

selected publications

  1. Journal
    Optimal Decision Making Under Strategic Behavior
    Stratis Tsirtsis, Behzad Tabibian, Moein Khajehnejad, Adish Singla, Bernhard Schölkopf, and Manuel Gomez-Rodriguez
    Management Science, 2024
  2. Conference
    Finding Counterfactually Optimal Action Sequences in Continuous State Spaces
    Stratis Tsirtsis, and Manuel Gomez-Rodriguez
    37th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2023


Jul 09, 2024 I presented a poster summarizing large part of my research at EC’24.
Apr 05, 2024 Our paper Towards a computational model of responsibility judgments in sequential human-AI collaboration has been accepted at CogSci 2024! 🎉
Nov 23, 2023 I visited and gave a research talk at Athena Research Center.
Sep 22, 2023 Our paper Finding Counterfactually Optimal Action Sequences in Continuous State Spaces has been accepted at NeurIPS 2023! 🎉
Sep 05, 2023 Our paper Optimal Decision Making Under Strategic Behavior has been accepted at Management Science! 🎉
Jul 30, 2023 We organized a workshop on counterfactuals in minds and machines at ICML 2023. Recordings are available here.
Jul 21, 2023 I visited and gave research talks at Harvard University and Columbia University.