
Jul 09, 2024 I presented a poster summarizing large part of my research at EC’24.
Apr 05, 2024 Our paper Towards a computational model of responsibility judgments in sequential human-AI collaboration has been accepted at CogSci 2024! 🎉
Nov 23, 2023 I visited and gave a research talk at Athena Research Center.
Sep 22, 2023 Our paper Finding Counterfactually Optimal Action Sequences in Continuous State Spaces has been accepted at NeurIPS 2023! 🎉
Sep 05, 2023 Our paper Optimal Decision Making Under Strategic Behavior has been accepted at Management Science! 🎉
Jul 30, 2023 We organized a workshop on counterfactuals in minds and machines at ICML 2023. Recordings are available here.
Jul 21, 2023 I visited and gave research talks at Harvard University and Columbia University.